Tuesday, December 27, 2011

L.O.V.E Youth Leadership Camp 2011

final is around at corner
but i update here
because too tired and no mood to study
ok lahh
now going to update about my 1st Leo Camp activities
1st L.O.V.E Youth Leadership Camp
 this camp is organized by us, Leo Club of  City West!!
hiak hiak hiak
this is first time i being committee
this is a big challenges..
because be4 go camp i as a camper
now as a committee
 but , i was proud with it
below is some camp photo to share.:
Leo CLub of City West

my group~~Easy Beat

souvenir for our guest~~

Oc-Cherrie , Speaker--Kay Pau

L.O.V.E Youth Leadership Camp..
for more information and photos,
please visit our fans pages:
In this camp i recognize a lot of committee , friends and delagates.
now i going to introduce my committee of the Youth Leadership Camp..
hiak hiak hiak
first one, is our Camp OC- Leo Cherrie

Leo Zi Xuan                                           Leo Lai Kit

 Leo Bo Qiang                                         Leo Ming Han

 Leo Ming Dong                                     Leo Yen Thung 

 Leo Kok Hang                                       Leo Yao Xian

Leo Sin Yi                                                Leo Melanie 

Leo Hong Wei                                          Leo Ban Hoe

Leo Wei Keat

 Leo Hong Guan

Guys, you are the best!!!! =)
Keep it Up.....